Port forwarding is a technique of translating the IP address or port number of a packet to a new destination and forward the packet. The destination may be a predetermined network port. Port forwarding allows remote computers (for example, computers on the Internet) to connect to a specific computer or service.
Here are the following steps to port forward your modem/router so that anyone can access your project running on wamp server.
Prerequisites :
Before continuing Make sure that your modem and ISP (Example: Airtel) support port forwarding by referring to the manual or internet.
- Find out your local IP address (This is the address where website request will be forwarded ) using ipconfig command in command prompt
- Note down the IPv4 address of your connection and will be required in further steps.
- Point your browser to your modem configuration page (Usually and depends based on your modem model.
- Find out the port forwarding services in the configuration page.
- Follow the screenshots where port forwarding is done in BSNL Wi-Fi Type 2 modem.
- Select server and Web Server from drop down box in predefined or use User defined to define your own settings.
- Now, type the local IP noted down in the Forward to Internal Host IP Address box.
- Click Apply and restart your modem. Now, you need to check whether the port (80 in our case wamp) is opened. Point your browser to http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports.
Check if the Particular port is open for outside world. - If the port is still closed, then you might need to check your Windows Firewall rules and settings and modem support page. If everything is successful, ask your friends to open your external IP address in browser and they should see your wamp server page.
The reader should have the knowledge of wamp server usage, creating project using PHP and also some details about IP address and port.
"It works great for users having static IP, else you might have to discover your ip and send to friends each time you restart your router."
Remember to hold on with no.of request to your IP. If you have a high perf. system/server, handling of website request won't be a problem.
- http://www.wikihow.com/Set-Up-Port-Forwarding-on-a-Router
- Guide to open port forwarding for your modem. : http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/
Published By :
Shirabthinath N J.
Shirabthinath N J.
Please don't try to copy from this site. The Author has taken immense care to write this article.