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Friday, June 28, 2013

Get your own Facebook theme

Hello Facebook fans are you bored of seeing the blue colored top bar of your facebook Timeline,here are a few tricks to to set your own bar color of your choice :)

All this is done using a javascript and changing the CSS dont need to learn javascript or CSS
i will give you the javascript coding to change the colors.

Step 1 :
You should have Mozilla firefox browser.

Step 2 :
Install Firebug Addon on Mozilla browser

link--> Firebug

Step 3:
Press F12 to open the add-on on the browser.

This window will the displayed in the bottom of the screen 

Step 4:
Now login to facebook and click the highlighted button

Step 5:
Move the cursor near you name to highlight both the name and edit profile as you below the picture

Step 6:
once you have done the addon automatically selectes a code.
right click on the selected text and chose edit HTML


Step 7:
You will see a code like this dont get scared seeing this

function color()
var color=prompt("enter a color","");
<button onclick="color();" type="button">change color


copy the above coding and paste it below that code and your done!! XD

You will get a button like change color near Edit profile.

Step 8: 
when you click that button a prompt screen pops up enter a color you want to set and hit ok

i chose green and have a look how it looks :D

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Facebook Zynga Poker(Chips Hack)

hey are you fan of poker and bluffing in the game is your attitude but need more chips for free to play a amazing poker game then its the right place you came. XD

Here are a few simple steps to gain free chips without spending a penny :)

Step 1:
Download Cheat Engine

Step 2:
Install Cheat Engine and Launch that Application.

Step 3:
Click on the computer icon seen below the file menu

Step 4:
Choose fire fox from the list of process running 

Step 5:

check your chips amount mine is $40,361

Step 6:
enter that value in the value textbox and click firstscan

Step 7:
When the 6th step is over you get the following output.

Step 8 :
Select all the records and click the red pointed arrow 

Step 9 :
Change the record values to anything as you wish and click the active square box to make a red check mark 

Final Step:

Finally click play now and dont play then click back to Lobby. and your done XD 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Facebook Criminal Case (Hacks for Energy,Coins)

hello are you interested/addict in playing Criminal Case but you end up losing all your energy so that u need to wait a long time to refill the energy.

These waiting may cause you bore the game but now the wait comes to an end here a few tricks to refill your energy for free

Step 1:

Download Cheat Engine

Step 2:

Install Cheat Engine and Launch that Application.

Step 3:

Click on the computer icon seen below the file menu

Step 4:

Choose fire fox from the list of procress running 

Step 5:

Check the amount of energy you have and type value in cheat engine and click first scan

once its done you get a list of values in left side .Dont care about that .

Step 6:Spend some energy playing that game.

i wasted 20 energy and it became from 450 to 430 

type this new value in the cheat engine and click next scan you will get a single value change that value to the desired value.
Change the value for this memory location to the value you require.

Now i set the energy to my desired value ie) 500

You dont need to wait or ask your friends for chips,potato or burger
Follow the above steps and enjoy playing
The same case can be followed for increasing coins

Got any Doubts you are free to ask in the comments.

Facebook-Two Steps to break DP(display picture) privacy

hi readers 

This is my first post regarding would have heard about facebook privacy which doesnt allow you to view others pictures,post,DP(display picture),but we always look for other ppl's privacy especially to boys who view their crush DP photos even if they are not friends in facebook.

Here a two simple steps to view your friends/crush DP though u may not be friends these steps will guide you to view the actual uploaded DP :D


look at the above picture we may not be friends in facebook so i cannot click the DP picture of this profile but i need to view to full sized image of this here we go follow the below steps

right click the picture and choose open image in new tab

the image opens in new tab and check the url of the image and remove the highlighted text from the url and hit enter :D and you'r DONE XD

Finally you get the actual big size image :)
Thanks for reading have a gud day BUBYEE :)