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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Facebook Candy Crush Saga Unlimited Score

Hello are you interested/addict in playing Candy Crush Saga
but you end up losing all your Life so that u need to wait a long time to refill the Life.Do you want to defeat your Friends Score follow the Below Steps.

Step 1:

Download Cheat Engine

Step 2:

Install Cheat Engine and Launch that Application.

Step 3:

Click on the computer icon seen below the file menu

Step 4:

Open candy Crush Saga in Firefox Choose fire fox from the list of procress running

Step 5:

Make a First Move

Check the Score  and type value in cheat engine and click first scan

once its done you get a list of values in left side .Dont care about that .

Step 6:

Make Another Move

Now My Score is 240 

type this new value in the cheat engine and click next scan 

Step 7 : 

The List is Filtered.Select the Second Address and chose Change Value of selected Address. 

Change the value to Change your Current Score.

Now i set the Score  to my desired value ie) 1,000,000 and complete the remaining Moves and Finish the game.

The Final Candy Crush saga Score hack is done.

My Candy Crush Saga Score is updated with my unlimited value.I got Rank 1 in Candy Crush Saga Among My Friends.

Got any Doubts you are free to ask in the comments.

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Facebook game hack
Candy Crush saga hack
Candy Crush Facebook unlimited score
Candy Crush saga score hack
internet game hacks
facebook games cheat engine
candy crush saga cheat engine